Playlogue Creations — we’re live and here’s what we’d like to do


We are Playlogue Creations and we are a game company”—saying this today feels like both a continuation of work we have done in the last two years and the start of something new and exciting.

In 2019, a group of us from the editorial and design consultancy Tuber started working on the board game Fly-A-Way. All of us—a project manager, a creative director, an editor and two designers—had different exposure to games, but were united in our excitement to tell stories through this new medium.

What started out as an in-house project, outside our usual work with clients, took on a life of its own as we spent hours each week testing game mechanics, getting playtesters’ feedback and meeting game designers and distributors.

Fly-A-Way ended up being a primary commitment for the whole team, the more we devoted the time and work necessary to fully develop it. When we launched our game on bird migration on Kickstarter in 2020, we were incredibly happy and privileged to be able to connect to a community of more than 800 supporters from around the world—and we realised there was no turning back now.

It was time for our own migration—to a new company.


Bringing play and dialogue together

Playlogue Creations is that company. With Playlogue Creations, we will now be able to fully commit ourselves to making games and building a company around this. Our company’s name and goals are intimately tied to our experience developing Fly-A-Way.

“Playlogue” is a portmanteau of “play” and “dialogue”, and reflects our aim to continue enriching conversations through game design and storytelling, as with Fly-A-Way. 


When we worked on Fly-A-Way, we collaborated with BirdLife International as our knowledge partner and were thus able to create a game that was not only fun but rich with scientific detail on the life of migratory birds and the urgency of wildlife conservation.

Through Fly-A-Way, we were also able to bring gamers and nature lovers together in conversation. Getting each group’s input was critical in how our final product turned out, whether it had to do with the real-world salience of an event we feature in the game or how immersive this event feels during play.

Moving forward, we want to continue creating games that can enrich conversations between diverse groups of people. At the same time, we would like to leverage the expertise we have already developed from our work in the editorial and design fields.

We aim to:

  • collaborate with more partners, be they from the public service or the private sector

  • work with game designers to bring new projects to life

  • offer editorial and design consultancy services to game creators

  • provide insights on game development and the game industry, by sharing our team’s journey


Have a playlogue with us!

Playlogue Creations will still be under parent company Potato Productions, as we originally were with Tuber. Essentially, Playlogue Creations and Tuber will now be sister companies. We are grateful to our former colleagues for supporting us in our transition and are happy that we can leverage Potato’s creative ecosystem as we move forward.

To mark the launch of our new company, we have launched a newsletter called Level Up. This newsletter will cover game trends and news, with a focus on the use of game design and gamification to highlight areas of interest for public dialogue. This newsletter will also be our way of fulfilling our aforementioned aim to share insights on game development from our journey as a company.

The first issue will be out later this week. You can subscribe here to read it first.

We’ll be making more announcements about upcoming projects and you can follow us on our different social media platforms. Do note that, for Instagram and Facebook, we have renamed our previous “Fly-A-Way” handles to reflect our new company’s name. This is so that we can continue to keep connected to our current followers while producing new content. For Fly-A-Way-specific queries and content you can join our new community page for the game.

Playlogue Facebook

Fly-A-Way community page

Playlogue Instagram

Playlogue LinkedIn

If you have an idea you would like to share with us or a project you’d like to work together on, reach out to us at,

Let’s have a playlogue! 

The Playlogue Team,
Lynette, Oon Hong, Simon, Iris and Key


How we designed the custom font for our logo


Same but different: how we ventured into the board game industry and built on our expertise